Some Days You Get Lucky

I’m a greater believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.

~Thomas Jefferson

Today was one of those days. Coming back home after a doctor’s appointment, a motion caught my eye while driving past a small roadside vernal pool. I slowed and saw it was a Barred Owl that had landed on a snag in the pool. I figured it might have babies in a nest nearby and was looking for a meal of crayfish or salamanders (this pool and another one nearby are breeding pools for Marbled and Spotted Salamanders). I had no camera with me so I drove the remaining few miles back home. I decided there was a chance it might hang around and hunt, so I grabbed a camera and headed back up the road. No cars were behind me, so as I approached the pool, I slowed down and looked for the owl. It was not on the prominent snag perch where I had seen it…bummer. But, then I saw it even closer to the road on a tree branch. I stopped, and stuck the camera out the window and fired off 3 shots. Another car then zoomed by in the other direction and the owl flew off. Luck was with me today.

A cooperative Barred Owl stayed put long enough for a few photos (click photo to enlarge)

Ironically, while waiting at the doctor’s office, I read an email from a teacher that had been on a workshop with Melissa and I years ago,. She encountered two Barred Owls yesterday on a trail and had sent us a note because she knew we would appreciate it. She even thanked us for teaching her about owls and what to look for. A double bonus day indeed.

16 thoughts on “Some Days You Get Lucky

  1. Nice! I agree with Jefferson — you make your own luck. And with the other guy I noted (and forgot) today — never give up. Delightful incident, Mike. You paid attention and made your luck. Thanks again for sharing. (How often we all say that!))

  2. Wow, great picture of the owl! We had one in our backyard a couple nights ago. Unfortunately, all my pictures look like a light colored blob in the middle of the darkness. 😉

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